Image of Vassilios Tzerpos, Invited Lecturer of the MSc Program in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning
Vassilios Tzerpos
Associate Professor, Dept. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, York University / Director of APTLY and LaSSoftE
About Me

I received my BEng in Electrical and Computer Engineering (1992) from National Technical University of Athens, my MSc (1995) and my PhD (2001) in Computer Science from University of Toronto. In 2016, I received a diploma in Audio Production and Engineering from Metalworks Institute.

I am the director of APTLY and LaSSoftE,an Associate Professor at York University in the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. My current research interests include deep learning applications for music classification, transcription, processing, and generation, as well as software engineering education. Previously, I focused my research in software reverse engineering with a focus on software clustering.

My research

You can check my research work at

  • Google Scholar (click here)
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